<center><h2><a name="How">How to Order the Free Evaluation Copy</a></h2></center>
<h4>To obtain a <b>FREE</b> copy of ATS / X-Tester please fill in the following information. Your license code & the location of the FTP server site will be e-mailed to you withing 24 hours or next business day. If you are unable to access an FTP site, please contact us to order a version on QIC-150 Tape, or CD-ROM. There will be a $50 charge for media if provided on tape or CD-ROM.</h4>
<pre><b>Company Name <input type="text" name="Rcompanyname" size=40>(required)<br>Your Name <input type="text" name="Rusername" size=40>(required)<br>Street 1 <input type="text" name="Rstreet1" size = 40>(required)<br>Street 2 <input type="text" name="street2" size = 40><br>City <input type="text" name="Rcity" size = 40>(required)<br>State <input type="text" name="Rstate" size=40>(required)<br>Zip <input type="text" name="Rzip" size=40>(required)<br>Phone <input type="text" name="Rphone" size=20>(required)<br>Fax <input type="text" name="fax" size=20><br>E-Mail address <input type="text" name="Remail" size=40>(required)<br>HOST ID <input type="text" name="Rhost" size=40>(required)<br><EM>To get the Host id Please Type "hostid" at the prompt on a sun</EM><BR>
Workstation Type: <select name="Rworkstn">
<option selected>NONE SELECTED
<option selected>Sun Solaris 2.3
<option selected>Sun Solaris 2.4
<option selected> Siemens RM
<option selected>Pyramid
<b><u>SUPPORT LEVEL</b><u>
<form><Input type="checkbox" name="level_1_free">LEVEL I FREE EVALUATION COPY<br>
<li> FREE copy of Binaries with 45 day license key
<li> Installation and command usage README file
<Input type="checkbox" name="level_2_495">LEVEL II $495 </u><br>
<li> Hard Copy of Manuals
<li> FTP access to maintenance releases
<li> Participation in 3.0 Beta Program and FREE upgrade to <b><u>Version 3.0</b></u>
Shipping $5.00 per order: <input type="text" name="ship" size=10>
Total Price: <input type="text" name="totprice" size=10>
Method of payment: <select name="payment">
<option selected>Visa
<option selected>Mastercard
<option selected>American Express
<option selected>Discover
<option>Company P.O.
<option>Money order
If <b>Credit Card: Number <input type="text" size=20 name="ccnum" maxlength=20>
Expiration date <input type="text" size=6 name="ccexp" maxlength=6><p>
<img src="redline.jpg">
<center><h3>Please hit the submit button when you are finished. <br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset"><p>
<h4>If payment is other than credit card, Please print this order form out and fax it<br> in with your company P.O. or, mail your order form and check to ATS Inc. <br>
We wait 7 days before shipping check orders.</h4></center>
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